
Oct. 2022 - May 2023: Saint Elizabeth Parish Ministry Center - Milpitas

Register now

Adolescence is a physiological state that begins with puberty and unfolds through somatic stages - some abrupt, some gradual - that are accompanied by notable psychological instability. It is a period of interior change that involves necessary crisis, wherein the personality negotiates the difficult transition from childhood to adulthood.

The adolescents try to establish a calm equilibrium between the two, that is invariably difficult. When they experience the dramatic changes in their bodies, the previously secure world of their childhood is thrown into upheaval. They begin to question everything. Their search for privacy and independence invariably leads to clashes with their parents, siblings and society.

The parents' patience and understanding at this stage is crucial. Even the best raised child is vulnerable to false values during the confusion of adolescence, and parents need to be alert.

Course Objectives

  1. To prepare and provide parents with the understanding and knowledge for guiding the proper development of their preadolescent and adolescent children into productive adulthood.
  2. To learn how to identify opportunities, solve issues, and set goals within the family through the case Study Method - an interactive technique for analyzing real life situations in a factual, practical and positive way.
  3. To discover how to effectively communicate between spouses, and especially with their preadolescent and adolescent children.
  4. To help pre-adolescent and adolescent children have a realistic understanding of their strengths and limitations so as to guide them to develop virtues and assume responsibility for their actions and its consequences.

Between the conflicts and crisis of adolescence, many of the values transmitted by parents during the early childhood of their children begin to dull. Adolescence is a time for patience and understanding on the part of parents. Parents guide their children best in an atmosphere of friendship and affection.

Content and Course dates

All sessions will be held at Saint Elizabeth Parish Ministry Center on Sundays from 2:30 to 4:30 PM

Date Class topic
Oct 16, 2022 Celebrating Uniqueness
Nov 13, 2022 Teenagers & Responsibility
Jan 15, 2023 Educating for Love
Feb 12, 2023 Time to Flourish
Mar 12, 2023 Making Marriage Stronger
Apr 23, 2023 Knowing Your Teenager
May 21, 2023 Teens and Religion

Register now

The enrollment fee of $390 can be paid using Zelle or Venmo to / (914) 319-3375
Specify - Family Enrichment Course 2022-2023
or by check

Make checks payable to Family Enrichment

Registration Form

Mr: ____________________________ & Mrs. ____________________________

E-mail: ___________________________________________________

Street Address: ___________________________________________________

City: ___________________________________________________

Zipcode: ___________________________________________________

Home Tel: (______)_______________________________________

Mobile: (______)_______________________________________

Number of children: ________ Age Range: ___________

Referred By? ____________________________________________________________

RSVP and Payment contact information: Giuseppe Selli: 914-319-3375 or email Christina Selli: 650-784-3831 or email

Payment can be arranged by installment with a deposit & postdated checks - all paid by the course start date.

Learn about the course methodology.